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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 10/17/2013

Selectmen’s Board Meeting
October 17, 2013

Present:        John Allen, Chairman; Bob Thompson and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Officer Sean Cowland, Mary Howe, Anne Garland, Joanne Clarey,

Chairman John Allen called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – October 3, 2013  The Minutes were approves as written.
  • Non-Public Meeting – October 3, 2013 sign minutes envelope-RSA 91-A:3, II(a)  These Minutes have been sealed and the envelope was signed.
  • Non-Public Meeting – September 17, 2013 sign minutes envelope-RSA 91-A:3, II(b)  These Minutes have been sealed and the envelope was signed.
  • Update on Action Items
  • False Burglar and Fire Alarms  Selectman Lockard continues to work on this; the town doesn’t want to make this onerous; the object is to solve the problem.  Office Administrator Julie Atwell noted the LGC has verified that this type of ordinance can be approved through Town Meeting or through the Town Police and the Selectmen.  Selectman Lockard will work with Chief Meyers on this.  
  • Healthcare Presentation Selectman Lockard and Office Administrator Atwell attended the Municipal Association’s training about the Healthcare initiative; this plan is moving forward and he’s presenting information about it as clearly as he can.  Under “Obamacare” Jackson’s health insurance plan is a “Cadillac” plan (the government Exchange offers Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum); Selectman Lockard reviewed the data which he has provided tonight on large charts.  Plans such as the one Jackson has are above and beyond what the government is offering and it will be charged a tax which will be a significant amount.  There are ten to seventeen percent increases predicted but by 2018 that will be higher.  The state will be keeping more of the Room and Meals Tax and aid to education is going to go down.  Selectman Lockard noted when that bill comes in, he doesn’t want the taxpayers to pay it; most employers will pass these increases on to their employees.  Some employers will stop offering insurance and compensate their employees for purchasing the government plan; that will get more people into the Exchange and theoretically the price would come down.  The town needs to put plans in place before 2018.  There is also a penalty if an employer offers a non-affordable plan as well as a penalty if no plan is provided.  Some employers will take the two-thousand dollar per employee per year penalty and not offer any insurance.  Selectman Thompson noted the Selectmen will need to make some tough decisions here; the town’s employees are its greatest asset but the Selectmen have to do what is right for the taxpayers too.  Selectman Lockard will continue to follow this.  
  • Whitneys’ Pond/Mary Howe’s Concerns Office Administrator Atwell has spoken with DES; they were to have a meeting with one or more of the parties involved with the pond sometime in October; she does not have a date for that meeting.  Chairman Allen would like to attend if possible.  
Mary Howe asked what their plans are for the pond; she was informed that’s what the meeting is for.  Mary asked if the parties involved are going to get the town to pay for it; she was informed that the work would be paid for by the two properties involved.  Mary wants to know who paid for the dredging that was done to the pond; Chairman Allen noted it’s the town’s responsibility to maintain the fire pond and some of the dredging was work to repair damage from Hurricane Irene.  Mary asked if the town has to get Wetlands Permits for that work; Chairman Allen believes emergency work, such as that from the hurricane, don’t require permits.  

Currently there is no water at all coming down Great Brook, Anne Garland noted there was dredging done with no erosion control there nor any permits; nor were there permits for the sandbagging.  The main flow goes into the pond by where it’s diverted however the water out of the pond is at a standstill; leaves are clogging it and stones were put in the stream to prevent flow.  She noted it’s illegal to divert a fire pond.  Also last week there was an article in the Conway Daily Sun regarding Black Mountain cutting a new trail for the race team; the article noted that in 2012/13 Black Mountain invested in two new compressors and snow guns thereby increasing their snowmaking capacity.  Anne is concerned that this is the same time when the dredging was being done; she asked if the town is helping to pay for this pond that serves as a big snowmaking pond.  That work didn’t have anything to do with Hurricane Irene and there was no emergency.  The dredging was done before last winter which is 2012; it’s alarming and concerning to hear the town claiming this as a fire pond at the same time as Black was significantly increasing their snowmaking capacity.  

Chairman Allen noted he has worked at Black so he can address some of Anne’s comments.  A lot of the increase in snowmaking capacity has to do with the snowmaking guns; their efficiency is much better, they produce a finer snow with less water so there is not necessarily a correlation.  The compressor at Black caught on fire so that had to be replaced.  Chairman Allen clarified he’s not speaking for John Fichera so “don’t quote me”.  As far as the fire pond goes, Chairman Allen noted it’s been used for snowmaking since 1950 when Whitneys Hill used it.  Anne noted the pond is big; it’s getting bigger and there’s a problem with the dam that no one is addressing.  She’d like to find out what is behind this dredging and to speak with DES regarding the work being done with no erosion controls.  

Chairman Allen hopes the planned meeting between the parties involved and DES will address these issues.  The Board is trying to make this right.  He asked Anne to write down her concerns so they can be specifically addressed.  It is hoped Chairman Allen can attend that meeting; Office Administrator Atwell will send out an email to find out when that meeting will be held.  

Mary noted when the culvert was illegally installed there was increased wash out and the dam has been undermined.  When Chairman Allen noted the culvert had been there for years, Anne noted a smaller culvert was upgraded to a thirty-six inch one.  Chairman Allen believes that culvert size was increased as a way to guarantee the work would qualify for Hurricane Irene funds; the town had to improve the system, not just replace it.  

Selectman Thompson is wondering if the planned meeting between the involved parties and DES is public; there seem to be a number of folks interested in following along with this.  The Board received a letter from John regarding a plan to build his own fire pond on their property.  Selectman Thompson has a lot of trust in the fact that DES is involved; whatever happened that shouldn’t have happened and the changes to “maintain” the fire pond, the Board wants to get to the bottom of this.  Was maintenance really why the work was done or is the town helping with a snowmaking pond; this is a legitimate question to ask.  Mary noted the parties involved don’t want the public at their meeting; Selectman Thompson noted there are other governing bodies in town that might not want members of the public at their meetings either but that is the way to sound, open and transparent government.  While this isn’t a government situation, the Selectmen will be involved and will keep it transparent.  

There are a lot of sandbags from Wilson Bridge down to the golf course.  Joanne Clarey pointed out there are sandbag remnants in the Falls too.  These were too difficult to pick up as they are shredded and embedded now.

Chairman Allen would like Office Administrator Atwell to find out how many fire ponds Jackson has; there are at least five.  

  • Transfer Station Meeting  Efforts continue to set a date for this meeting with Bartlett.
  • Library Lights  This will be completed shortly; Dick Bennett will be working with Road Agent Henry on it.  
  • Two letters from Bartlett regarding the Transfer Station  This is on the agenda under Old Business.
  • New Hire – Office Administrative Assistant  This has been completed with the hiring of Julie Hoyt.
  • Public comment  There were none.

  • Police Report  Officer Sean Cowland reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items included new guard rails going in on Route 16 from Storyland north; a motor vehicle rollover in the Notch and a complaint of a vehicle passing a stopped school bus was taken.  There were two medical assists and one report of a suspicious circumstance where a window was found open but the screen was in place.  There was a report of two loose dogs, five false burglar alarms and numerous house checks.  A subject didn’t appear for court and a bench warrant was issued; the subject turned himself in at the Department.  There was a vehicle check for the Town Clerk and a criminal mischief report regarding a light pole that was hit by a vehicle that took off; another report came in regarding a pedestrian that was almost hit while crossing by the Christmas Farm Inn.  A 911 hang-up at Christmas Farm Inn was unfounded.  There was a Breaking & Entering on Jackson Highland; the alarm went off and motion was detected in the building however nothing was taken; it’s believed the alarm going off is what scared the perpetrator off.  Officer Cowland urged folks if they have an alarm to turn it on and keep it on and to secure windows and doors; this is the only incident in Jackson but there have been a couple in Bartlett and Conway.  The Columbus Day weekend was very busy; the Pumpkin People are a big hit.
Office Administrator Atwell would like Officer Cowland’s input on the Avatar system that is on the agenda under New Business.  She explained that the program would put tax information online including the mailing address which could show if a residence is a second/vacation home.  She noted this is public information and folks can get this same information at the Office.  Officer Cowland would like to see the program information before commenting however, it doesn’t sound like a problem given that the information is public and already available.

  • Building Matters – Andy Chalmers, Building Inspector  There were no issues with Permits 2013000050, 2013000052 and 2013000053 and Building Inspector Chalmers has issued the permits.  Permit 2013000051 was voided.
  • Building Permit 2013000050 Map V05 Lot 29 – (Owner – Korthuis) – Install rooftop photovoltaic solar modules
  • Building Permit 2013000051 – Void
  • Building Permit 2013000052 Map V09, Lot 15 – (Owner – Frost) – Lift log cabin and pour full foundation adding a 14 x 12 bump out
  • Building Permit 2013000053 – Map R12, Lot 128 – (Owner – Gajos) – Remove old shingle roof and replace with metal covering
  • A/P Manifest to be signed  The manifest was signed.
  • 2012 Audit (Prepared by Dave Mason) – To be Approved  The 2012 Audit has been received; there were some comments regarding the Library and the handling of funds.  Dave did a superior job however the Board would like to review the Audit prior to approval.  Dave is asking for clarification at Town Meeting of funds; where they come from and how they are handled; it needs to be clearer for audit purposes.    
  • New Business
  • Property Liability Trust  The Trust is looking for a Selectman to join their board; none of the Selectmen have the ability to do this.  
  • Letter of commitment for Household Hazardous Waste Days for 2014/15   The Board isn’t obligated to a specific amount of money; its portion is determined by how many Jackson residents participate; this will be a warrant article.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to authorize Chairman Allen to sign the document and to commit up to one-thousand dollars for Household Hazardous Waste Days in 2014/15.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  • Avatar  Office Administrator Atwell noted the Town Clerk would like to move forward with this in time for the November billing; the rest of this year the service is free; it will cost two-hundred-fifty dollars annually thereafter and the cost savings will make up for that.  Chairman Allen wants to make sure folks can opt out whereas Selectman Lockard would prefer folks be able to opt in not opt out.  He noted if telephone numbers will be available that would be problematic.  Office Administrator Atwell thinks folks have to opt in because the Town Clerk has to collect their email information; she will get clarification. Selectman Thompson made a motion to approve adding the tax card information to the Avatar program, as long as folks have to opt in for the service but Selectman Lockard would prefer to table this until the Board knows for sure folks have to opt-in.  This item was tabled.  
  • Signing of Refund/Tax Abatement (Robert Cyr)   This is the abatement for 2012; the Board already approved the abatement based on its visit to the property and Assessor Jason Call’s recommendation.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to accept the adjustment for 2012 as recommended by Assessor Call.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Land Use Change  Office Administrator Atwell noted there are three properties that are being taken out of Current Use and going back on the tax rolls.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to accept the Land-Use Change for the three properties.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Historical Society Art event  The Historical Society is having an art sale this weekend and is also hosting a Shapleigh exhibit.    
  • Old Business
  • Trash hauler letter  Office Administrator Atwell got a list of those whom the letter is going to go to; the haulers are not separating and neither are the owners.  The Station loses a fair amount of recycling money on that.  It is tough to get businesses to recycle; the Board has no problem with this but doesn’t know how the haulers can separate.  Selectman Thompson noted the crew at the Transfer Station knows who is probably giving an effort and those that are not; the first step is to send the letter.  Selectman Lockard wondered how to solve this problem; it is the responsibility of the users to recycle; if the Transfer Station fines the haulers they will just raise their rates.  Selectman Thompson noted recycling is policed in Conway; he thinks the haulers should make an effort at the point of collection to assure items are recycled.  The Board isn’t sure what cost is passed on to Jackson for sending in mixed loads; clearly it is losing recycling fees but it is also paying more in tipping fees.  It was clarified Bartlett is just looking for the Board’s support to send the letter out.  The Board supports sending this letter to the haulers.    
  • Notchland Inn  Manager Edgerly has no problem with allowing the Notchland Inn to bring in their recycling; the Inn will be charged and the Transfer Station will get money for the recyclables.  
  • Department of Safety Communications  The Board nominated Chief Meyers and EMD/HO Grieg at the last meeting; both have accepted.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to authorize Chairman Allen to sign the document.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Update on Wildcat erosion proposal  So far no permit has been filed; folks will be kept updated.  
  • Knotweed update  The Board had agreed to set aside a section of Carter Notch Road for non-mechanical removal however it was mistakenly sprayed; the maps were a little confusing.  Ann Kantac didn’t want to come in contact with the weed if it was sprayed so she is looking at another test area to try non-chemical removal by the Ellis River near Green Hill.  
  • Public Comment  There were none.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted by:

                                                Martha D. Tobin

                                                Recording Secretary